The Art of Handwashing: National Hygiene week

In the battle against germs and illnesses, one of the simplest yet most effective weapons in our arsenal is proper handwashing. It's a basic hygiene practice that we learn as children, but as adults, we often overlook its significance. Handwashing isn't just about rinsing your hands with water; it's about eliminating harmful bacteria and viruses that can make you sick or spread illness to others.

Why Handwashing Matters

Before we dive into the how-to, let's understand why handwashing is so crucial:

  1. Disease Prevention: Handwashing is the primary way to prevent the spread of infectious diseases like the common cold, flu, and even more serious illnesses such as COVID-19. By removing germs from your hands, you reduce the risk of infection.

  1. Food Safety: When handling food, proper handwashing is essential to prevent cross-contamination. Bacteria from raw meat, for example, can easily transfer to other surfaces or foods if hands are not cleaned properly.

  2. Protecting Others: Good hand hygiene isn't just about you; it's about protecting those around you. You may unknowingly carry germs that can harm others, especially vulnerable populations like infants, the elderly, or individuals with compromised immune systems.

The 30-Second Rule

To ensure your handwashing is effective, follow these steps for at least 30 seconds. This duration allows you to thoroughly clean all parts of your hands, including your fingertips, between your fingers, and under your nails.

  1. Wet Your Hands: Start by turning on the tap and wetting your hands with clean, running water. Adjust the water temperature to a comfortable level.

  1. Apply Soap: Dispense a sufficient amount of soap into your palms. Liquid soap or bar soap is equally effective.

  2. Lather Up: Rub your hands together to create a rich lather. Be sure to cover all surfaces, including the front and back of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails. This friction helps dislodge and remove dirt, germs, and viruses.

  3. Scrub for 30 Seconds: As you scrub, sing the "Happy Birthday" song twice, or any other song that lasts around 30 seconds. This helps you keep track of the recommended duration.

  4. Rinse Thoroughly: Hold your hands under clean, running water to wash away the soap and loosened dirt and germs.

  5. Dry Your Hands: Use a clean towel or an air dryer to dry your hands thoroughly. Germs can spread more easily on wet hands, so be sure to dry them completely.

  6. Turn Off the Tap Smartly: If possible, use a tissue or your elbow to turn off the tap. This prevents recontamination of your clean hands.

Additional Tips for Hand Hygiene

  • Nail Care: Keep your nails short and clean to prevent germs from hiding underneath.

  • Hand Sanitiser: While handwashing with soap and water is best, hand sanitiser with at least 60% alcohol can be used when soap and water are unavailable. Apply enough sanitiser to cover all hand surfaces and rub until your hands are dry.

  • Handwashing Routine: Make handwashing a habit, especially before eating, after using the restroom, and after being in public places.

  • Avoid Touching Your Face: Touching your face with unwashed hands can introduce germs into your body. Try to avoid this habit.

Proper handwashing is a simple yet powerful practice that can make a significant difference in your health and the health of those around you. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this blog and making handwashing a routine part of your day, you can help prevent the spread of diseases and maintain good personal hygiene. Remember, it's not just about washing your hands; it's about protecting yourself and your community from harmful germs and viruses.

Hand Facts

  1. Handwashing can reduce the risk of respiratory illnesses, like colds, in the general population by 16–21%

  2. Research shows that washing hands with soap and water could reduce deaths from diarrheal disease by up to 50%

  3. A large percentage of foodborne disease outbreaks are spread by contaminated hands. Handwashing can reduce the risk of foodborne illness and other infections

  4. 80% of communicable diseases can be transferred by touch (person-to-person contact)

  5. Water temperature does not impact the effectiveness of hand-washing. You can use warm, lukewarm or cold water to wet your hands and begin the handwashing process

However, it's important to acknowledge that not everyone has easy access to the essential hygiene resources required for effective handwashing, particularly soap. So, here's a call to action: Can you lend a helping hand by donating soap to support this basic but critical hygiene principle?

National poverty statistics for the UK

  • 3.1 Million adults in the UK are affected by hygiene poverty

  • 1 in 8 have avoided going to a job interview

  • Three in five (62%) of those experiencing hygiene poverty with dependent children said that they have had to choose between buying hygiene products for themselves or their child(ren).

  • 48% (almost half) of those experiencing hygiene poverty were too

    embarrassed to ask for help.

How can you help? >

How can you donate >

Follow @thehygienebank for more information!

#hygiene #hygienicconcepts #hcblog


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National hygiene week: What is it and how can you get involved?